How do sewage treatment plants work - Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers


February 9, 2021by Netsol Water

The basic function of wastewater treatment is to speed up the natural processes by which water is purified. There are two basic stages in the treatment of wastes, primary and secondary, which are outlined here. In the primary stage, solids are allowed to settle and removed from wastewater. The secondary stage uses biological processes to further purify wastewater. Sometimes, these stages are combined into one operation.

What is a wastewater treatment system?


A wastewater treatment plant is a Combination of systems made up of several individual technologies that used for your specific wastewater treatment needs.

Sewage Treatment is rarely a static process, and a wastewater treatment system that is engineered to accommodate fluctuations in treatment needs will go a long way in avoiding costly replacements/upgrades down the line.

An efficient and well-designed wastewater treatment system should be able to handle:

  • process variations in contamination and flow
  • variations in water chemistry needs and required chemical volumes adjustments
  • possible changes in water effluent requirements

For a detailed information stage and flow diagram of sewage treatment plant/wastewater treatment plant, you can watch the complete video.

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