Sewage Treatment Plant manufacturer

Top-notch Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers Near You.


Technology Driven&


Netsol Research wing working day & night to the best solution for wastewater to its client.


Reliable &

Zero Liquid Discharge

We manufacturers every project according to the client’s site to meet his requirement and ZLD.


Sewage Treatment Plant Mnaufacturer in Noida, Delhi

Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer

India’s most trusted brand for Sewage Treatment Plant manufacturing.

small sewage treatment plants at very low cost

Small Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer

Best Small STP Plant manufacturer for small & mid-sized Industry.

ZLD Plant Manufacturer

With all-new technology to solve the sewage issue with zero discharge.

Compact Modern Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer

Compact STP is beneficial for those who have low space problem can be installed underground. Range from 3KLD-10MLD


Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturing

Sewage Treatment Plant follows a similar work process to septic tanks. But in STP’s mechanical component and other equipment, the process helps in the breakdown of solids to produce the best environmentally friendly effluent with minimum waste discharge.

As sewage contain various kind of impure biological waste in water and is treated by the machine of a Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer, there are different stages and components involved to treat the wastewater. Solids from the waste are settled during primary treatment and form their solid and liquids separated. In the next step, into the aeration chamber, the surface aerator/diffuser infuses air and oxygen into the waste to encourage the good bacteria to eat and break down & purify. And in final, settling tank where the sewage is nearly 95% clean and ready for reusability or to discharge into nature like- rivers, lakes, ponds, or the authorized places by government authorities.

Technology Used in STP Plants-

Extended Aeration (EA)

A common Biological system used to treat domestic wastewater due to its functionality and simplicity

Submerged Aerated Fixed Film (SAFF)

A cost-effective method of wastewater treatment and sewage sanitation that is primarily used in residential and commercial complexes.

Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR)

The Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) is an activated sludge process designed to operate under non-steady-state conditions.

Moving Bed Bio – Reactor (MBBR)

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) processes improve reliability, simplify operation, and require less space than traditional wastewater treatment systems.

Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR)

An essential replacement in the conventional activated sludge (CAS) system for the settlement tank for solid/liquid separation.

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