ec - Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers


April 14, 2021by Netsol Water8

The relationship between TDS (total dissolved solids) and conductivity depends on the water chemistry. For example, 1,000 mg/L of NaCl will give a different conductivity than 1,000 mg/L of MgSO4. The very rough rule of thumb is TDS, mg/L × 1.6 = Conductivity (µS/cm). The factor of 1.6 used in the equation has a typical range of 1.4 to 1.8, though wider variations are certainly possible.

When possible, the best correlation is developed from the analysis of specific water or waste stream for both TDS and conductivity from which a specific correlation factor is produced. Then, if the water chemistry remains fairly constant, conductivity can serve as a good indication of TDS. If the water chemistry changes significantly, the rule of thumb will not work.

Netsol Water Solutions is the largest and India’s leading Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer, Effluent treatment plant manufacturer, commercial ro plant, and industrial ro plant manufacturer having its own manufacturing unit in Greater Noida, Delhi, India.

For any kind of Query or Requirement of Water and wastewater treatment products, call us at +91-9650608473 or you can email us

We are Indias Largest and a leading trusted brand for STP Plant, ETP Plants, and RO Plants.