discussion total suspended solids - Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers


March 18, 2021by Netsol Water22

TSS stands for Total Suspended Solids. TSS is that suspended particles (Dry-weight) in water that is not dissolved, can be trapped by a filter by using a filtration system in a sample of water. It is also a major water quality parameter used to access the specimen by any type of water or waterbody, for example, ocean water or wastewater after the treatment in the wastewater treatment plant.

Total Dissolved solid acquired through separate analysis to determine water quality. In previous, TSS is also known as a non-Filterable residue (NFR), changed due to a nonproper understanding of other scientific disciplines.

How Does TSS Affect the Water Quality?

When you are talking about water quality, due to the high level of total suspended solids the temperature of the water is dramatically increased and the total dissolved oxygen level decreases. This all happens just because the suspended particles absorb extra heat from solar radiation than the normal water molecules do.

How TSS Is Measure in water or wastewater treatment

The most accurate and common method of measuring the TSS is by weight. A water sample is filtered, dried, and weighed. This method is most accurate in all other techniques of measuring Total Suspended Solids. Sometimes it is also difficult and takes more time for perfect results.

What is the Total Suspended Solids calculation Formula (mg/L)?

TSS in water or wastewater treatment plant calculated in milligram per litter as per the following given equation:

(Dry weight of residue and filter – the dry weight of filter alone, in grams) / ml of samples * 10,00,000

How to lower your Total suspended solids in Wastewater Treatment?

The most important measure in the Wastewater treatment plant is TSS. Total suspended solids level must have adhered to state environmental regulation. Because high TSS levels can harm wildlife and dangerous to human health. Your wastewater treatment equipment also can be damaged by elevated TSS.  By following some of the given effective ways to keep your TSS under Control.

  • Focuses on removing first TSS from wastewater
  • Used a properly sized EQ Tank (Equalizer Tank). This will help to maintain the flow and loading rate.
  • Control over the pH of the wastewater. It is the basic and most important to manage the pH Level. To know more read: What is ph in wastewater?
  • Use modern stainless steel or plastic make plate pack DAF.
  • Use of the regenerative air dissolution turbine pump uses minimal electricity to dissolve air into water. This may lead to producing 20-30 micron air bubbles.
  • Use high rated modern DAF which cleans by you to avoid facing clogging, solids separation problems, higher TSS, and high chemical feed rate.
  • Use performance-tested liquid chemistry which allows for full automation to lower the cost, and eliminates the wetting issue.
  • Locate properly chemical injection points and always test them.

By reading the above point you are able to know that how to control TSS, which is a crucial part of your wastewater treatment plant.

If you are looking for the best quality Sewage Treatment Plant in India (Any part of the Country), Kindly make us a call at +91-9650608473 or write your requirement on enquiry@netsolwater.com

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