Sewage Treatment Plant for Home in India

As a leader in the industry of waste and wastewater treatment, we are always ready with the best and most effective manufacturer and supplier of Sewage Treatment Plant for Homes in India.

Sewage Treatment Plant for Home in India

Sewage Treatment plant for home in India is one of the most effective methods to remove and treat the wastewater from a building/house, Where the fewer number of people lives.

Sewage Treatment Plant for Home in India

This type of Small STP Plant used for houses is also known as the Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant (Domestic Water Treatment Plant). STP Plants are necessary for the areas to prevent water scarcity. Domestic sewage generally has all the waste in the form of wastewater of bathroom, sink, toilet paper, human waste, and food. It is important to remove all these kinds of waste from the wastewater of the home, before discharging it into the environment.

After the completion of treating water, won’t go to waste, it’s clean enough to reuse for gardening, cleansing, and in toilets. This wastewater treatment helps and develops an eco-friendly & sustainable nature, which will help us to save water for our future generations.

Small / Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant

In the Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant, the wastewater goes through a precise sequence of aeration, sedimentation, and clear water removal, using gravity to separate waste particles of varying density. All three sequences happen in a single tank rather than three tanks. Aeration is the most important of the operations and creates a suitable environment for natural bacteria to digest the waste in the water.

The Total Cost of Sewage Treatment Plant for Home

This is an estimated cost for treating wastewater of home where family up to six people lives. In this paragraph, you get the total water treatment and the cost of running it.

For a 6 member family, the size of the entire plant with the 2 tanks is about 3600 liters, which is very much small than the septic tank of many houses. And for an apartment with up to 35 people plant size required is about 22,000 liters. Total power consumption for running STP at Home is around 40W. This plant cost is Rs one lakh to 65 lakhs for a plant used for 1000+ peoples.

Also Read This : Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer in Lucknow

Choose the leading Supplier

Manufacturer of Sewage Treatment Plant for Home in India

Do you need STP Plant for your home, farmhouse, and apartment? Choose Netsol Water Solutions to get a superior quality sewage treatment plant lashed with the latest technology. Wide ranges of Wastewater Treatment Products are available, depending upon your need. We design a plant that is not only cost-effective but also too much easy to maintain. For any inquiry, to buy or more detail email us on or call 096-5060 8473

Global Reach

A vast network of its global reach and global clients.

Best Technology

Having Internationally approved technology for the best solutions.

Research Unit

With its own research unit, it provides the best solution to every problem of wastewater and upgrading its technology for zero discharge.

Get the Best STP Solution


For the world-class sewage treatment solution just download the product list with a detailed description or call us on +91-9650608473