mbr stp - Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers


May 13, 2021by Netsol Water5

Are you or your organization is planning for STP Plant, and stuck with the best technology of sewage treatment plant. No worries!! You are in right place, in this article we are going to discuss the best technology of STP its advantages, and every minor to major information that you want to know before buying a Wastewater treatment plant.

In recent times there is a number of new waste and wastewater treatment technology that have come into practice. The following are some better known and best Sewage Treatment Plant Technology

  1. Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR)

MBR is the best technology of STP, wherein water treated by biological process. After the biological process treated water passed through Membrane Bio-Reactor Module.


Advantages of Membrane Bio-Reactor

  • High-quality effluent for reuse without separate nutrient removal and fine filtration
  • A compact system reduces plant footprint by 25-40% compared to a conventional STP.
  • These membranes are stated to be durable to ensure reliability and long membrane life, and low membrane replacement frequency.
  • The modular system is expandable
  • Higher stability to organic shocks /upsets due to higher MLSS concentration.
  • The process operates under low suction, the ideal filtration method for small to large-scale membrane facilities, hence low power consumption.
  • An automated system makes the process operations easier to operate.

Disadvantages of Membrane Bio-Reactor

  •  Each vendor advocates his own criteria for the membranes and their types which makes it difficult to bring about common and validated design criteria.
  • It is not possible to cannibalize the system between different manufacturers.
  • High reliance on energy input in the absence of biomethanation.
  • Patented process technology and decanters defying local cannibalization.
  •  Detailed evaluation of existing plants required either by IITs, CPCB, or NEERI.
  1. Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR) / Fluidized Aerobic Bioreactor (FAB)


MBBR can also be considered as the optimum technology to treat wastewater, as the cost of MBBR is cheaper and consumable cost is economic in comparison to MBR Technology.

Advantages of MBBR

  •  There are no limitations of height as long as compressors can be suitably used
  •  Circular structures can be used to economize on construction costs & time
  •  The structures can be easily covered for indoor air quality when needed.
  •  Requires lower footprints compared to conventional activated sludge.
  •  Easy to operate and maintain

Disadvantages of MBBR

  • The area per unit volume of the media offered by various vendors are different and also each vendor advocates his own criteria for the relative ratio of the volume of media to volume of aeration tank, which makes it difficult to bring about common and validated standard design criteria. The quality of plastic media varies.
  • The verification of whether the media is moving about the entire volume of the tank or merely clumping at the top layers and if so the method of mixing it up through the tank volume without shearing of the biomass on it are issues of infirmity and which may need gentle movers of the media through the volume of the tank.
  • Furthermore, the media is a patented product.
  •  Higher energy input if used without biomethanation
  1. Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)

SBR Does not require separate secondary clarifiers and major return sludge pumping stations, good use of common walls, Simple Square, rectangular or circular structures, can reduce the footprint compared to 5 conventional activated sludge processes.

Advantages of Sequencing Batch Reactor

  • Can remove N and P concurrent with BOD
  •   Absence of odor and corrosive gases
  •   Improved aesthetics
  •  Capability to manage and treat variable loading conditions; such as normal, diurnal, dilute monsoon and shock loads.
  • Less manpower due to automatic control and easy to operate and to maintain.
  •  High-quality effluent for reuse without separate nutrient removal and fine filtration.
  • Can be expanded as a modular system.
  • Can also be used with primary clarifiers and conventional F/M ratio for bio-methanation and energy recovery.
  • The system can generate a stabilized sludge.

 Disadvantages of Sequencing Batch Reactor 

  •   No provision for sludge management
  •   No provision of primary treatment to moderate pollution load variations
  •   Higher energy input if used without bio-methanation
  •   Requires at least semi-skilled manpower
  •   Patented process technology and decanters defying local cannibalization

Why Choose MBR Technology to Optimize Your Sewage Treatment Process

  1. One of the easiest and most effective ways to optimize existing biological systems is integrating a moving bed reactor process (MBR). These systems take aspects of two other treatment systems to utilize their advantages without their disadvantages.
  2. This technology does not require recirculation lines.
  3. This is one of the benefits of MBR fixed film systems. Recirculation requires extra piping and additional pumps and energy, therefore, there are no extra costs associated with these additional recirculation processes.
  4. Processes that require recirculation also typically produce more sludge in the clarifying step, more sludge that will need to be disposed of. This also means that the overall efficiency of the reactor is not dependent on how well the effluent settles. There is also the possibility of improving the efficiency of sludge recycling processes.
  5. MBR systems improve the characteristics of sludge settling in the clarifier and the sludge settles better as well.
  6. The moving bed technology also has improved retention times when compared to other biological sewage treatment processes.

Now reading this blog you will get an idea that which technology of sewage treatment plant is the best fit for your requirement.

If you are going with the author of this blog Netsol Water Solutions, MBR is the best Sewage Treatment Plant Technology. Netsol is India’s biggest Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer, Effluent Treatment Plant Manufacturer, Commercial RO Plant, and Industrial RO Plant in Noida – Delhi. We have our own manufacturing unit in Greater Noida. Call or Whatsapp on 9650608473 for more details.